Sunday, September 12, 2004

weekend update

apparently this summer in tokyo has been the hottest on record, and today's one of the prettiest, clearest and sunniest days i've had here so far. which means it is hotter'n heck and would make research* brutal. but ha ha, the joke is on tokyo, because i am taking today off in honor of it being sunday and my staying out till 6am.

so i'm sitting here feeling smug because i went salsa dancing in roppongi last night with my housemate and her friend. not only did i wear heels and a skirt and NOT TRIP, but i also salsa'd and merengued (not to be confused with 'meringued,' for which the trick is to use cream of tartar) passably well after not having done it for several years. the first two men to ask me to dance were plastered japanese fellows who stepped from one side to the other and pointed at me to their friends who whooped drunkenly, but eventually i got to dance with a peruano who did know what he was doing and also forgave my sometimes random basic step because, he said, i had it. hence the smugness.

at the same time i'm rolling my eyes, because while i'm all impressed with myself for not falling down in shoes that most tokyo women can sprint across cobbled intersections in without sweating through their perfectly applied makeup, my little brother is competing in a freaking triathlon today (when today happens in LA). why i didn't get a smidge of those athletic genes, i don't know, but i'm glad he got them because he's obviously using them to better advantage.

and now that i have sufficiently fueled up on coffee, i'm going down to shoot some photos of the famous harajuku goth kids.

* research mostly involving walking around in circles for hours, squinting at signs written in kanji, and asking a lot of repetitive questions. i'm sure this is also listed somewhere in the DSM as some obsessive-compulsive disorder, but actually, it's my job description.


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