it doesn't feel quite so bad being stuck inside trying to meet deadlines when you can glance out your back window and see this sort of scene:

...or this:

i'm a little concerned for this teeny-tiny guy (look how small, next to that pine cone!), since he seems pretty comfy hanging out right by my front door, out in the open. is he an orphan, or sick, or just at the age where mom kicked him out of the nest and he has to figure out how not to get eaten or run over? for now i'm just leaving out a couple of carrot slices and concentrating on the cuteness.

...or this:

i'm a little concerned for this teeny-tiny guy (look how small, next to that pine cone!), since he seems pretty comfy hanging out right by my front door, out in the open. is he an orphan, or sick, or just at the age where mom kicked him out of the nest and he has to figure out how not to get eaten or run over? for now i'm just leaving out a couple of carrot slices and concentrating on the cuteness.
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