Monday, November 08, 2004

sunday rundown, rundown monday

1. awaken, enter main space
2. notice strong smell of gas
3. go to stove, turn off gas (medium-high, no flame)
4. roll eyes, open windows
5. boil water for coffee once kitchen is sufficiently aired out
6. watch firehazard merrily descend spiral staircase
7. inform firehazard of her latest transgression
8. listen to her breezy apology and careless explanation before she moves merrily on
9. roll eyes (times ten: eyeballs are now rolling around the floor)

note: i am now officially keeping score.

but in other news, i allowed myself an afternoon off and attended the green festival in SF (having driven myself, and only myhypocriticalself, over the bay bridge in my car) with my free ticket and did not see T who i thought would be working the global exchange booth but wasn't. however, i did run into a high school classmate who is one of the brains behind the xtracycle! those of you socially- and environmentally-conscious folk who ride your bikes everywhere anyway might want to convert to an even more car-free lifestyle. they will make your bike into an 'SUB' (sport utility bicycle).

personally, i just need to ride my bike more in the first place, but bay area traffic scares me. recently, a certain crazy-haired friend of mine was hit while on her bike – luckily, all she felt was a violent but painless BAM when the car hit and ran. after a bunch of bystanders asked if she was OK and she tried riding forward but couldn't, she looked back and realized that her bike frame was now a J-shape. at least, she said, if she herself had been hit, she would never have known what hit her.

(why do i keep veering towards the mean and morbid today? because the cold has seeped into my bones? because there are creationists trying to put 'don't believe the evolutionary theory hype' stickers on biology textbooks in public schools? because love and laughter and even a cocktail of seven medications do not make mental illness go away?)

i did get to emeryville fedex in good time tonight, though (it's the little things). this means that my assignment was only a month & five days late, so please hoist a drink for me tonight. i am having a boont amber to celebrate.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

and so it has been a week...

have we pulled the chain yet?

the suspense is killing us out here...


11:01 PM  

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