Wednesday, December 21, 2005

con / pro

con: aching neck.
pro: sweetest chica in oaktown brings me meatless pho for lunch!

con: continued leakage of exhaust fumes into my loft
pro: can't remember that i care anymore!

con: sadness
pro: cute boy who meets me at the door bearing a glass of shiraz (aw, my favorite!) and big huge hug

con: whoops, missed that deadline
pro: don't care!

con: cannot get into that festive holiday spirit somehow, no time to find gifts
pro: my gift recipients don't care

con: hair is greasy
pro: i will take a scaldingly hot, high-pressure shower later

now this is just getting ridiculous.
hope to see you on the other side of this effing assignment.


Wednesday, December 07, 2005

blessing counting

i'm resolving now to quit apologizing for complaining, because complaining doesn't necessarily mean that one has a negative outlook. it means that injustices and pains and annoyances are acknowledged; it's the natural reaction of the realist. yeah, yeah, life is no bed of roses (although 'bed of roses' seems like an ill-chosen metaphor when everyone knows that embracing a rosebush is a good way to get multiple puncture wounds).

but – can i just say one thing? please please please for the love of your wondrous brain, wear a damn helmet if you're riding a bike in the bay area. you may get hit by a car, and if you do (as i saw the aftermath of, a couple of weeks ago on piedmont ave; and as i saw in progress on sunday, south of market; both of which were HIGHLY UNPLEASANT for everyone involved, most of all the helmetless bike riders), then a helmet will probably help prevent a brain injury or at least ouchy stitches on the scalp.

so anyway, since i've been writing so negatively lately (though really i feel OK apart from the obvious hindrances to feeling better than OK), here's my partial list of many blessings:

watertight skylight
dos equis
friends checking in on me
friends leaving me alone
warm fuzzy sweaters
sushi last night
the roof might cave in but the building won't burn down
green tea soap
my brother now lives in SF
i am going to bed shortly
11-year-old ugg boots
unexpected overseas phone calls
patter of rain, no fear of flood

i'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert
but i can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime

– big country