Wednesday, January 11, 2006

time off potentially off

i told myself i'd take two months off, minimum. have been thinking of quitting the spy trade entirely, as it's too much work for embarrassingly low pay (i can live off of it, but i live in a place where you can see daylight through holes in the single-wall brick and where i am slowly being poisoned by exhaust, freeway toxins and neighbors that put the dust back in industrial).

but when i'm in fee negotiations about remote spots where few people go and are the kinds of places that fire my fantasies about what my job should be like, it's hard to hold to those intentions to stay in one place. keep your fingers crossed for me, because i would really, really like to get my booty kicked (in the most positive, challenging, consciousness-altering way) in antipodeal wilderness. and you, my friends, would get some GOOD stories out of it.

in other news: ribbit.


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