Wednesday, September 27, 2006

last tango in paris

(where tango = typhoon and paris = tokyo)

someone in charge of overseeing my concurrent spy assignments dropped the ball (where ball = SMALL PLANET), thus making my last two weeks here a little stressful. but still, i am catching up to the ball. i may soon reach the ball and may even be able to dribble, or even pull off some tricky globetrotter move before slamming the damn thing in at the last second. it just makes me wonder – if every single assignment makes me this crazy, why do i keep asking for it?

well, i suppose: losing my fugu virginity on saturday night. catching a crosstown-rivalry baseball game – yomiuri giants vs the yakult swallows – at tokyo dome. watching the sunset sky from my tiny balcony against a soundtrack of traditional singing drifting up from the temple below and crescendo of cicadas.

tokyo has abruptly shifted from summer to autumn, a difference of tens of degrees fahrenheit. i'm actually cold in my sweater and jeans at 11:35pm, as opposed to sweating in tank top and sarong with aircon on and mosquito coil burning. the wind's howling, the rain is whipping walls and streets, and i'm about ready to go. tomorrow!

mata ne! (see you later...)


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